
This repository contains all the projects carried out to learn and experiment on Database Management system using MySQL. Projects are carried out with respect to understanding the fundamentals of Database Management System

MIT LicenseMIT



About Project:

This is a database management class projects. I designed a Salon Database Managment system with ER diagram

What this system can do:

Salon Management System is for automation data managment in a Salon .The system takes care of all the requirements in a Salon to provide quality data to the management and is capable to provide easy and effective storage of information related to customers, employees, appointments and services rendered


MySQL Workbench, Microsoft Excel

Pipeline for building the system:

-Defining The Entities

-Design the ER diagram and Relationships

-Designing the SQL codes and Generate fake data for all the tables

-Generating ER Diagram for database

-Based on the ER diagram and Relationships, complete the sql codes by Assigning role to users and granting access to them

ER Diagram Imange:


About Files:

-Salon Management.xlsx: This file contains step wise Top Down Approach to design a Salon Database Management System. It includes Introduction, Entities Description, ER Diagrams and relationship, Sql Codes, ER Diagrams, Job Roles and access granted to users.

-Salon Management-Top Down Approach.sql: This file contains all codes to design Salon Database Management System.

-Salon Management.pdf: This file contains ER Diagrams for Salon Database Management System
