Pharmacy System

Mini Project for Database Management Systems and Human Computer Interface


-Gaurav Suryvanshi TECOMP-B39
-Shashank Birajdar TECOMP-B-03
-Siddhesh Ukirde TECOMP-B-62
-Aditya Ubale TECOMP-B-46


  • In this era of growing demands of pharmaceutical and chemical products for health and medicine; every medical store, be it a small of medium sized businesses are running rampant towards efficient store management and rapid revenue computation.
  • Instead of using the conventional style of paper-based records and documentation, electronic methods are preferred for stock maintenance, automatic updation of records while billing and reliable electronic documentation.


  • The aim of this project is to develop a software for the effective management of the database of a pharmaceutical store.
  • It would improve the accuracy and enhance safety and efficiency in the pharmaceutical store.
  • This system will help the pharmacist to maintain the records of the medicines, handle user and admin details, check and renew the validity of the medicines and orders placed by the customer.

Implementation Python and SQL Database

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online Pharmacy Management system

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