Preprocess, reduce and train classifier for one PML technique. It makes use of the following functions:
PreprocessDataset: collects all videos from each training/test dataset subject and situation and applies the desired PML preprocessing.
BuildTrainDataset: Builds a dataset from a file created by PreprocessDataset
DatasetPCA: Performs PCA analysis on given dataset
ReduceDataset: Reduces a dataset using the structure returned by DatasetPCA
TrainReducedDataset: loads the reduced training and test datasets and build SVM classifiers modifying the number of training features, the SVM kernel parameters and the SVM C parameter. A file with relevance data from the result of each trained classifier is saved as Results_ReducedPCA'PCA_Ratio''kernel'_Sub'subsampling'.mat. This file contains a data structure with the following fields:
- situation
- kernel
- kernelScale: kernel Scale applied to the SVM classifiers
- FisherPerc: percentage of features according to Fisher Score
- TestAccuracy: accuracy of classifiers on test dataset for the combination of the two previous parameters
- TrainAccuracy: accuracy of classifiers on train dataset for the combination of the two previous parameters
- confusion_matrix: confusion matrix for each classifier
- max_coordinates: best percentage of features to be selected and best kernelScale.
- BoxConstraint: values of C applied to the SVM classifiers once the number of selected features number is fixed based on results on previous field.
- tunedKernelScale: kernelScale applied to the SVM classifiers once the selected features number is fixed.
- tunedFisherPerc: best percentage of features selected
- tunedTestAccuracy: accuracy of classifiers on test dataset for the combination of BoxConstraint, tunedKernelScale and tunedFisherPerc.