
Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is refyndata company website

This Repo is Officially Managed & Developed by Team containing:

  1. Gautam kushwaha
  2. Leela Sri
  3. Sai Komal
  4. Ravi Teja Chatii

Note for Developers

Strictly create a branch first and then only start working on something. Todo so you can follow the steps below:

  1. Create branch
  • $ git branch new_branch
  1. Check all branch
  • $ git branch -v
  1. Change master -> new_branch
  • $ git checkout new_branch

Now you can work from here whatever change you want to make you can do it now. After that follow the below steps.

  1. Track files specific to new_branch
  • $ git add .
  1. Now change back to Master branch from new_branch
  • $ git checkout master
  1. Commit & Push new_branch to server now
  • $ git commit -m "your message"

  • $ git push -u origin new_branch

  1. Merge new_branch to master
  • $ git merge new_branch
  1. After merge we can push the changes to the server
  • $ git push origin master
  1. After doing all if you want to delete new_branch locally then do the following
  • $ git branch -D new_branch
  1. Now push the changes so that new_branch gets deleted on the server as well
  • $ git push origin --delete new_branch

Q. How to get incoming update from main branch to working branch?

A. git merge main (when you're in your working branch)


  • $ git branch new_branch
  • $ git checkout new_branch
  • $ git push -u origin new_branch
  • $ git branch -v (list all branch)
  • $ git merge new_branch
  • $ git branch -D new_branch
  • $ git push origin -delete new_branch# SIH_New_Railway_website

Jus have a glance on the website interfaces:

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#clicking on the goto section "click me" you will be navigated to the /passenger route. similarly for the security person entering the security code they will be navigated to the /security page and they will be like this.. they will have different interface on the basic of requirement. This is the sample interface, which we have kept same but will be different for both of them..

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