
To create an advanced vehicle details retrieval system that not only provides comprehensive information about a vehicle based on its number but also checks for any outstanding challans and facilitates their payment

Primary LanguagePython

Vehicle Details


  • Python 3.8 or higher
  • requests library
  • uagents library


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/gautammanak1/Vehicle-Details-Retrieval.git
    cd Vehicle-Details-Retrieval
  2. Install the required libraries:

    pip install requests
    pip install uagents


  1. Configure the Agents: Update the vehicle_number and rapidapi_key variables in the request_vehicle_details function within the code. Replace the example values with actual values.

  2. Run the Agents:

    python vehicleAgent.py

API Integration

The get_vehicle_details function uses the requests library to interact with the vehicle information API:

def get_vehicle_details(vehicle_number, rapidapi_key):
    url = "https://rto-vehicle-information-verification-india.p.rapidapi.com/api/v1/rc/vehicleinfo"
    payload = {
        "reg_no": vehicle_number,
        "consent": "Y",
        "consent_text": "I hereby declare my consent agreement for fetching my information via AITAN Labs API"
    headers = {
        'content-type': "application/json",
        'X-RapidAPI-Key': rapidapi_key,
        'X-RapidAPI-Host': "rto-vehicle-information-verification-india.p.rapidapi.com"
    response = requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers)
    return response.text