E-commerce Price Optimization

Gautam Naik (gautamnaik1994@gmail.com)

Business Problem

TrendElite is a clothing retailer specializing in a diverse selection of apparel and accessories, operating both physical stores and an online e-commerce platform. To enhance its revenue and market competitiveness, the company aims to optimize its pricing strategy.

TrendElite faces several challenges in effectively pricing its products.

  • Competitive Landscape: With numerous rivals offering similar products, the retail industry is highly competitive. TrendElite aims to stand out by offering attractive prices while ensuring profitability.

  • Inventory Management: Ensuring effective inventory management is vital for TrendElite, as pricing strategies must balance supply and demand. Optimizing prices based on inventory levels can help prevent overstocking or understocking of products.

  • Seasonal and Trend Variations: The fashion industry's rapid trend changes and fluctuating demand throughout the year present challenges for TrendElite. Adjusting prices to reflect seasonal and trend shifts is crucial to capitalize on sales opportunities.


Price Optimization can be used for tacking above challenges. We will be trying the following strategies

  • Demand based pricing : The demand-based pricing strategy involves analyzing the demand for each product over time to determine the optimal price for each product. The strategy involves setting a base price for each product, and then adjusting the price based on the demand for the product.

  • Competitor based pricing : The competitor-based pricing strategy involves analyzing the prices of competitors for the same product and adjusting the price based on the competitor’s pricing.

  • Price elasticity based pricing : The price elasticity-based pricing strategy involves analyzing the price elasticity of each product to determine the optimal price for each product. The strategy involves setting a base price for each product, and then adjusting the price based on the price elasticity of the product.


We will use amount of revenue earned as a metric

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Field Description
product_id A unique identifier for each product in the dataset.
product_category_name The name of the product category to which the product belongs.
month_year The month and year of the retail transaction or data recording.
qty The quantity of the product sold or purchased in a given transaction.
total_price The total price of the product, including any applicable taxes or discounts. Calculated using qty*unit_price
freight_price The average freight price associated with the product.
unit_price The average unit price of a single unit of the product.
product_name_length The length of the product name in terms of the number of characters.
product_description_length The length of the product description in terms of the number of characters.
product_photos_qty The number of photos available for the product in the dataset.
product_weight_g The weight of the product in grams.
product_score Average product rating associated with the product’s quality, popularity, or other relevant factors.
customers The number of customers who purchased the product in a given category.
weekday Number of weekdays in that month.
weekend Number of weekends in that month.
holiday Number of holidays in that month.
month The month in which the transaction occurred.
year The year in which the transaction occurred.
s The effect of seasonality.
Volume Product Volume
Comp_1 Competitor1 price
Ps1 Competitor1 product rating
Fp1 Competitor1 freight price
Comp_2 Competitor2 price
Ps2 Competitor2 product rating
Fp2 Competitor2 freight price
Comp_3 Competitor3 price
Ps3 Competitor3 product rating
Fp3 Competitor3 freight price
Lag_price Previous month price of the product.