
Notes for programming in ruby if you are coming in from a different programming language like JS

Learning Ruby from a JavaScript background

This is purely a compilation of helpful notes for devs who are coming in to Ruby from JavaScript. Although the notes are tailored for a JavaScript developer, it could be useful for others.

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It is highly recommended that beginners move through these in the proposed order.

  1. Pure Basics and Primitive Types
  2. Blocks, Procs, Lambdas and Functions - Everything to do with introducing Blocks, Procs, Lambdas and Functions and some techniques to pass data and control between them.
  3. Control Statements and Looping - Looping is introduced along with control statements like if and unless
  4. OOP in Ruby - Inheritence and Classes, Modules and information hiding
  5. Some basic coding conventions - Some very basic practices to keep in mind when coding in Ruby.

More to come soon!