
An experiment in visualizing pants runtime graphs

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

An experiment on visualizing runtime graphs (graph.xxx.dot) from the pants build tool. See Debugging: Visualize the rule graph.

Build and install

To build this tool:

$ pants package ::
15:18:14.73 [INFO] Wrote dist/pants_graph_view.pex

and if you want you can add the pex somewhere on your $PATH


You can try it out from a clone of example-python:

example-python $ pants --engine-visualize-to=dist/ test ::
✓ helloworld/greet/greeting_test.py:tests succeeded in 0.71s.
✓ helloworld/translator/translator_test.py:tests succeeded in 0.71s.
15:20:53.12 [INFO] Visualizing graph as graph.005.dot

example-python $ pants_graph_view.pex dist/graph.005.dot
Writing to dist/graph.005.html

and then open the html file in your browser. $ open dist/graph.005.html would suffice on Mac.

Example input and output

An example of the input and html output of the viewer are in example.