
Unit Testing framework for the Xojo programming language.

Primary LanguageXojo


A Unit Testing framework for Xojo.

How to Use

Refer to the wiki for usage instructions and an example.


How to contribute

You can contribute to XojoUnit in two ways:

  • submit changes from your Fork of XojoUnit
  • request to become a Contributor

Don't send me emails with your updated project.

Forking XojoUnit

  1. Click the Fork button at the top.
  2. Make your changes.
  3. Push your changes back to GitHub.
  4. Create a "Pull Request" for your changes.

These steps notify the XojoUnit maintainers so that the change can be reviewed for inclusion in XojoUnit.

Here is a helpflow Github workflow document I found: http://www.eqqon.com/index.php/Collaborative_Github_Workflow

Frankly, this is all still new to me so we'll see how it goes!

Becoming a Contributor

If you actively submit good changes, I'll probably make you a Contributor so that I don't have to process all your pull requests.


Xojo 2016 Release 2 or later is required to use XojoUnit with iOS.

Release Notes

6.2 (October 21, 2016)

  • Added Assert.Matches and Assert.DoesNotMatch to test strings against regular expressions.
  • iOS project will show failed method names in red.

6.1 (October 18, 2016)

  • Overridden superclass methods will be ignored.
  • "Tests" that specify a parameter will be ignored.

6.0.2 (October 6, 2016)

  • TestGroup.Constructor no longer requires groupName. Will default to the name of the class if not given.
  • Desktop will once again properly run the tests and quit if given the --rununittests <path> argument on the command line.
  • Export file paths can now contain spaces, but it must be the last argument.

6.0.1 (July 14, 2016)

  • Updated iOS project for Xojo 2016r2.

6.0 (July 6, 2016)

  • Asynchronous testing is now possible through the AsyncAwait(maxSeconds) and AsyncComplete methods.
  • Projects were refactored to allow asynchronous testing.
  • Asynchronous tests added.

5.0 (March 29, 2016)

  • TestGroup Setup and TearDown events will run around each test method.
  • Every test method will start from a fresh copy of the TestGroup.
  • Fixed report indenting.
  • Fixed formatting of doubles in Assert.Fail.
  • Added "Not Implemented" count and properly update all counts.
  • TestGroup now has an UnhandledException event.

4.6.1 (December 22, 2015)

  • Desktop version will honor groups that are marked as "Ignore" in code.

4.6 (September 21, 2015)

  • Better command-line parsing and options for console version.
  • Allow filtering by methods.

4.5.1 (August 27, 2015)

  • Messages passed to Assert messages will only show up with the test fails.
  • Changed TestController.Version into a Text for compatibility with iOS.
  • Bug fixes.

4.5 (June 2015)

  • Added iOS.
  • Other stuff.

Paul Lefebvre (paul@xojo.com)