
Deploy container images to Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#ecs-deploy Deploy container images to Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS).


Unless indicated, the following environment variables are required:

Environment Variable Description
AWS_SESSION_TOKEN (Optional) AWS credentials
REGION The AWS region
CLUSTER The name of the target ECS cluster
SERVICE The name of the target ECS service
CONTAINER The name of the target ECS container
IMAGE The image repository (e.g. some-user/some-app)
IMAGE_TAG The tag to be deployed
WAIT Wait until the service has reached a stable state (defaults to false)

Example Usage

npm install --global ecs-deploy
REGION=us-west-1 CLUSTER=my-cluster SERVICE=my-service CONTAINER=my-container IMAGE=my-user/my-repo IMAGE_TAG=latest WAIT=true ecs-deploy

Alternate Usage

Install from the command line:

npm install --save-dev ecs-deploy

Add a deploy script to your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "deploy": "REGION=us-west-1 CLUSTER=my-cluster SERVICE=my-service CONTAINER=my-container IMAGE=my-user/my-repo ecs-deploy"

When you're ready to deploy, make sure your image has been pushed to the registry. Then from the command line:

IMAGE_TAG=latest npm run deploy