
GitHub action to perform brotli compression

Primary LanguageHTML


GitHub action to perform Brotli compression on .js, .html and .css files, perfect for making your web content smaller to download.

compress-action will brotli compress everything in the target directory and it's sub directories, also leaving the original uncompressed file in place.



Optional The directory in the action workspace to recusively compress. Defaults to the root workspace directory.

Example usage

With a target:

  - name: Checkout Repo
    uses: actions/checkout@master

  - name: Brotli compress the html, css and js files in the "build" directory
    id: brotli
    uses: charlesworth/compress-action@1.0
      target-directory: 'build'

Without a target (target the root of the workspace):

  - name: Checkout Repo
    uses: actions/checkout@master

  - name: Brotli compress the html, css and js files in repository
    id: brotli
    uses: charlesworth/compress-action@1.0