
Rhino Grasshopper as OpenAI Gym Environment for Reinforcement Learning

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Grasshopper Gym

Rhino Grasshopper as OpenAI Gym Environment for Reinforcement Learning with Stable-Baselines3


Install Anaconda. Create Python 3.8 environment and install stable-baselines3 by running the following commands

    conda create --name py38 python=3.8
    conda activate py38
    pip install stable-baselines3

To test socket communication, run python server.py and python client.py in separate terminals. Server acts as the agent and client acts as the environment. In the server terminal, you should see a printout of 10 environment steps; the client script should terminate with [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor.

To test learning, run python baseline.py and python client.py in separate terminals. The server should print out the learning progress and terminate by reporting the final return; the client should terminate with [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor.

To test learning in Grasshopper, open gh_env.gh and run python baseline.py in a terminal. Click Reset and then Loop on the HoopSnake component in Grasshopper and observe the output in the terminal. After 3000 time steps, the agent will execute the learned policy and print out its return.


Scripts python server.py and python client.py are provided as an example of running an OpenAI Gym environment over a socket. These scripts should only be used for testing communication or by users familiar with Python for implementing custom functionality.

File gh_env.gh shows how to implement an RL environment inside Grasshopper. Environment Pendulum-v0 from OpenAI Gym is implemented as an example. Script baseline.py shows how to apply learning algorithms from the RL library stable-baselines3 using Grasshopper as the environment. Soft actor-critic (SAC) algorithm is used as an example.

Users should modify gh_env.gh to represent their task inside Grasshopper and adjust baseline.py to choose a suitable RL algorithm and set learning parameters. See stable-baselines3 documentation for tips on optimizing the performance of RL algorithms.

Implementing Environment in Grasshopper

There are two Python components in gh_env.gh: Agent and Environment. Only Environment needs to be replaced by the user. Environment receives two inputs---action and reset---and it sets 4 global variables as a reaction to the inputs


When reset=True, the info field should contain the description of the action space and the observation space according to the OpenAI Gym interface, and the observation field should return the initial observation of the environment. Otherwise, action is provided by the agent and the environment should set all 4 global variables.