
A curated list of awesome articles, software libraries and resources on Scientific Computing


Awesome Scientific Computing


A curated list of awesome articles, software libraries and resources on Scientific Computing

Items marked with Open-Source Software are open-source software and link to the source code. Items marked with Freeware are free (as in free beer).

Table of Contents


Software Tools

  • poliastro - Astrodynamics Python Library. Open-Source Software
  • MONTE - Astrodynamics Python library. Freeware

Computational Fluid Dynamics

  • OpenFOAM - C++ toolbox for the development of customized numerical solvers, and pre-/post-processing utilities for the solution of continuum mechanics problems. Open-Source Software

Blog Posts


  • CFDPython - A sequence of IPython notebooks featuring the "12 Steps to Navier-Stokes".


  • CFD Online - Free community for everyone interested in Computational Fluid Dynamics.
  • SimScale - Cloud-based CAE platform that lets you seamlessly simulate, share, and collaborate.

Signal Processing


Flight Mechanics

Software Tools

  • PyFME - Python Flight Mechanics Engine. Open-Source Software
  • Aerospace Blockset™ - Simulink® extension with blocks for modeling and simulating aircraft, spacecraft, rocket, and propulsion systems, as well as unmanned airborne vehicles.

Nuclear Physics



Use of Python in multiple Scientific Computing areas





  • Wind Atlas of Spain - Numerical weather prediction system to predict the long-term wind resource.

Chemical Engineering


  • CAChemE - Engineering students group to promote Free Software and encourage the use of computing in Chemical Engineering. (Spanish)

Structural Analysis


Numerical Aerodynamics


Data Analysis

Software Tools

  • xlwings - Replace your VBA code with Python. Open-Source Software

Machine Learnig

Blog Posts

Control Systems

Software Tools

  • python-control - Basic operations for analysis and design of feedback control systems. Open-Source Software

Marine Engineering

Software Tools

  • FreeCAD-Ship - FreeCAD module to provide a complete set of naval architect tools. Open-Source Software

Quantum Mechanics

Software Tools

  • QuTiP - Quantum Toolbox in Python. Open-Source Software


Software Tools

  • Mayavi - 3D scientific data visualization and plotting in Python. Open-Source Software
  • ParaView - Build visualizations to analyze their data using qualitative and quantitative techniques. Open-Source Software
  • VisIt - Interactive, scalable, visualization, animation and analysis tool. Open-Source Software

Finite Element Method

Software Tools

  • Fenics Project - Automated scientific computing, with a particular focus on automated solution of differential equations by finite element methods. Open-Source Software
  • SfePy - Solving systems of coupled partial differential equations (PDEs) by the finite element method in 1D, 2D and 3D. Open-Source Software


  • Finit3element - Web page on the finite element method (FEM) and its applicantions. (Spanish)

Finite Volume Method

Software Tools

  • FiPy - A Finite Volume PDE Solver Using Python. Open-Source Software


Software Tools

  • PyMOL - A molecular visualization system. Open-Source Software

Numerical Simulation

Software Tools

  • SALOME - Generic platform for Pre- and Post-Processing for numerical simulation. It is based on an open and flexible architecture made of reusable components. Open-Source Software

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REMEMBER: this is a list of resources that you consider essential but people may not know.


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.