Regexp::Common::domain - Patterns for matching DNS domains and TLDs
use Regexp::Common qw(domain);
@tlds = $text =~ m/$RE{domain}{tld}{-keep}/og;
@hostnames = $text =~ m/$RE{domain}{hostname}{-keep}/og;
Please see Regexp::Common for a general description of the $RE
inteface. You do not load it directly, but via Regexp::Common, as in the
statement in the SYNOPSIS.
This module provides regular expressions for matching and capturing domains/hostnames and top-level-domains (TLDs) used by the Domain Name System.
Returns a pattern that matches any TLD defined in Net::Domain::TLD or Domain::PublicSuffix (since neither seem exhaustive alone).
To capture the TLDs matched, use the standard Regexp::Common {-keep} option e.g.
@tlds = $text =~ m/$RE{domain}{tld}{-keep}/og;
This pattern begins and ends with a \b word-break pattern, and is case-insensitive.
If you don't want to match standalone TLDs (which now include many ordinary words e.g. agency associates autos beer best bike etc.) you should anchor the pattern e.g. with a dot in a zero-length lookbehind assertion i.e.
@tlds = $text =~ m/ (?<=\.) $RE{domain}{tld}{-keep}/ogx;
Returns a pattern that matches a domain/hostname string i.e. a sequence of valid domain-labels, joined by dots, terminating in a TLD.
To capture the hostnames matched, use the standard Regexp::Common {-keep} option e.g.
@hostnames = $text =~ m/$RE{domain}{hostname}{-keep}/og;
This pattern begins and ends with a \b word-break pattern, and is case-insensitive.
Regexp::Common, Domain::PublicSuffix, Net::Domain::TLD
Gavin Carr
Copyright 2012-2014 Gavin Carr.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.