
ISO 3166 (Digit code, Alpha-2 and Alpha-3), ISO 4217 countries codes and names (on eng and rus), currency designators, calling phone codes, countries capitals and regions (UN M.49 code), countries domains (ccTLD), Very FAST, NO maps[], NO slices[], NO init() func, NO external files and data, NO interface{}, NO specific dependencies, Databases compatible, Emoji countries flags and currencies support, full support ISO-3166-1, ISO-4217, Unicode CLDR and ccTLD standarts.

Primary LanguageGoBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Countries - ISO 3166 (ISO3166-1, ISO3166, Digit code, Alpha-2 and Alpha-3), ISO 4217 countries codes and names (on eng and rus), currency designators, calling phone codes, countries capitals and regions (UN M.49 code), countries domains (ccTLD), Very FAST, NO maps[], NO slices[], NO init() func, NO external files and data, NO interface{}, NO specific dependencies, Databases compatible, Emoji countries flags and currencies support, full support ISO-3166-1, ISO-4217, Unicode CLDR and ccTLD standarts.



go get github.com/biter777/countries


import "fmt"
import "github.com/biter777/countries"

func main() {
	countryJapan := countries.Japan
	fmt.Printf("Country name in english: %v\n", countryJapan)
	fmt.Printf("Country name in russian: %v\n", countryJapan.StringRus())
	fmt.Printf("Country digit code: %d\n", countryJapan)
	fmt.Printf("Country Alpha-2 code: %v\n", countryJapan.Alpha2())
	fmt.Printf("Country Alpha-3 code: %v\n", countryJapan.Alpha3())
	fmt.Printf("Country Capital: %v\n", countryJapan.Capital())
	fmt.Printf("Country call code: %v\n", countryJapan.CallCode())
	fmt.Printf("Country domain: %v\n", countryJapan.Domain())
	fmt.Printf("Country region name: %v\n", countryJapan.Region())
	fmt.Printf("Country region code: %d\n", countryJapan.Region())
	fmt.Printf("Country emoji: %v\n\n", countryJapan.Emoji())

	currencyJapan := countryJapan.Currency()
	fmt.Printf("Country Currency name in english: %v\n", currencyJapan)
	fmt.Printf("Country Currency digit code: %d\n", currencyJapan)
	fmt.Printf("Country Currency Alpha code: %v\n", currencyJapan.Alpha())
	fmt.Printf("Country Currency emoji: %v\n", currencyJapan.Emoji())
	fmt.Printf("Country of Currency %v: %v\n\n", currencyJapan, currencyJapan.Countries())

	// OR you can alternative use:
	japanInfo := countries.Japan.Info()
	fmt.Printf("Country name in english: %v\n", japanInfo.Name)
	fmt.Printf("Country digit code: %d\n", japanInfo.Code)
	fmt.Printf("Country Alpha-2 code: %v\n", japanInfo.Alpha2)
	fmt.Printf("Country Alpha-3 code: %v\n", japanInfo.Alpha3)
	fmt.Printf("Country Capital: %v\n", japanInfo.Capital)
	fmt.Printf("Country call code: %v\n", japanInfo.CallCode)
	fmt.Printf("Country region name: %v\n", japanInfo.Region)
	fmt.Printf("Country region code: %d\n", japanInfo.Region)
	fmt.Printf("Country emoji: %v\n", japanInfo.Emoji)

	// Detect by name
	country := countries.ByName("angola")
	fmt.Printf("Country digit code: %d\n", country)
	fmt.Printf("Country Alpha-2 code: %v\n", country.Alpha2())
	fmt.Printf("Country Alpha-3 code: %v\n", country.Alpha3())

	// Database usage
	type User struct {
		Name    string
		Country countries.CountryCode
	user := &User{Name: "Helen", Country: countries.Slovenia}
	db, err := gorm.Open("postgres", 500, "host= port=5432 user=usr password=1234567 dbname=db")
	if err != nil {
	defer db.Close()
	err = db.Create(user).Error
	if err != nil {


You can take a counties names in russian language, use StringRus(). For Emoji use Emoji(). Enjoy!

import "github.com/biter777/countries"

For more complex options, consult the documentation.


(c) Biter

Welcome pull requests, bug fixes and issue reports. Before proposing a change, please discuss it first by raising an issue.