
LeetCode OJ's Binary Tree Visualization in Python

Primary LanguagePython

BinaryTree for LeetCode

BinaryTree.py is a handy tool which can construct and display the binary trees you need when coding for LeetCode


  1. You need to import the class before using it

     import BinaryTree as bt
  2. Construct a binary tree from a list of values/objects or a binary tree

     t1 = bt.BinaryTree([1,2,3,4,5,'#',6,7,'#','#','#','#',8])
     t2 = bt.BinaryTree(t1.root())
     node = bt.TreeNode(4)
  3. Get the root of the binary tree

     r = t.root()
     print r 
     # Out: [4] Left -> None Right -> None
  4. Display the tree


    And you get:

           / \          
          /   \         
         /     \        
        /       \       
        2       3       
       / \       \    
      /   \       \   
      4   5       6   
     /             \ 
     7             8 
  5. Test

     python -m unittest -v test

LeetCode Binary Tree Serialization

See LeetCode, click "read more on how binary tree is serialized on OJ"