This is to demonstrate the implementation of Kafka Streams with Spring Cloud Stream Binder.
The transaction-producer generates transactions every 1 second to a Kafka topic transactions
and a topology
calculate account balance in a real time based on the previous balance.
The following modules give you the idea how to build stateless and stateful data stream processing:
- transaction-filter-topology: Stateless topology of transaction filter that output only transfer transaction
- account-balance-calculation-topology: Stateful topology of account balance calculation using Kafka key-value state store
Run this command to start the local environment in docker containers:
cd docker
docker compose up
Kafka will be started. You can access the Kafka using Web UI
Next, run the transaction producer
docker run --rm --net=host whalebig27/transaction-producer:latest
Then, you will see the messages published into topic transactions
Run Transaction Filter Topology
Execute the main class TransactionFilterApplication
in transaction-filter-topology
Once the topology is up and running, check the outputs on topic transfer-transactions
Run Account Balance Calculation Topology
Execute the main class AccountBalanceCalculationTopologyApplication
in account-balance-calculation-topology
Once the topology is up and running, check the outputs on topic account-balances