
An Emacs major mode for editing Viper code

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Viper Mode

Viper Mode is an Emacs major mode for editing Viper files.

⚠️ please ignore the lsp-* files as the language server was never completed (nor is it worth my time to complete them right now). For interaction please download the suite of command line tools and add something similar as the following (hack) to your config.el:

(add-to-list 'load-path <path to viper-mode>)

(require 'viper-mode)

(eval-after-load 'viper-mode
  (progn (setenv "Z3_EXE" "<viper tools>/z3/bin/z3")
         (setenv "BOOGIE_EXE" "<viper tools>/boogie/Binaries/Boogie")

(defun verify-buffer ()
  "Verify the current buffer with Carbon backend."
  (let ((java (executable-find "java"))
        (carbon-jar "<viper tools>/carbon/target/scala-2.13/carbon.jar")
        (fn (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))))
     (concat (shell-quote-argument java)
             " -jar " carbon-jar " " fn))))

(add-hook 'viper-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-v") 'verify-buffer)))

Verification of the open file can be run with "C-c C-v" and this mode will include and approximation of the Viper-IDE syntax highlighting and formatting.


This repository is not affiliated with the Programming Methodology Group at ETHZ and is a personal project to allow me to avoid VSCode while doing coursework that requires me to use Viper.

