
Simulation of LED segments displays , 7, 9, 14, and 16 segment displays supported, includes ASCII fonts and spreadsheet character creator. A segment display is a form of electronic display device for displaying characters. Code: JavaScript - P5 library

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • Title : LED_Segment_Display_Simulator
  • Description: Simulator to display LED segments, 7, 9, 14, and 16 segment displays supported includes ASCII fonts and spreadsheet Character Creator. A segment display is a form of electronic display device for displaying characters.
  • Code: JavaScript - P5 library
  • Copyright 2020, Gavin Lyons, GPL.

Table of contents


Download the folder, It a JavaScript program its runs in a browser. tested on Linux, Brave browser. Version 1.2.42 Chromium: (64-bit).


  1. Open the "src" folder and run by clicking the "Index.HTML" file to run in a browser.
  2. You will prompting for which segment display you want to use: 7, 9, 14 or 16. default is seven.
  3. Next you will prompted which ASCII character you want to view, enter a ASCII character or simply press enter to start at start of ASCII table
  4. The chosen segment will now be displayed step thru it by press a key one by one or Run thru the entire font automatically by clicking enable Auto check button.
  5. ASCII fonts are included in "Font" folder.
  6. If you wish to change character or font displayed, replace the data held in the relevant array held in the SegmentDisplay.js file in the section marked "ASCII CODE SECTION".


