
An Kubernetes init container which accepts PEM encoded public keys and certs and outputs a Java JKS file

Primary LanguageMakefileGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


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Problem statement

Do you have a Java application which uses a JKS file but you only have a standard pem encoded Key and Certificate?

jksTrustInit is an initContainer which takes certificates from either local files or environment variables and writes out a Java Keystore (JKS) file to an emptyDir which can be shared with the main container

Environment Variable Default Description
PASSWORD password The password used for the keystore
FILE_MODE false If to use the env vars or files
KEY NA Public Key environment variable
CERTIFICATE NA Certificate environment variable
KEY_FILE NA Public Key file
CERTIFICATE_FILE NA Certificate file
OUTPUT_FILE /var/run/secrets/truststore.jks The filename used to write the file out

How to use in Kubernetes

We can supply the PEM encoded key and certificate either within the environment variable or as files mounted upon the filesystem. Both of which can be sourced with secrets or configmaps as appropriate. When using files you need to set FILE_MODE to true

The init container will start and write the output file to the OUTPUT_FILE path.

This is then available to the target JVM.

Example pod

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: KafkaClient
    - name: jksTrustInit
      image: gavinmcnair/jkstrustinit:v1.0.4
        - name: KEY
          value: "pem encoded key"
        - name: CERTIFICATE
          value: "pem encoded cert"
        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets
          name: kafkasecrets
    - name: kafkaclient
      image: kafkaclient:1.0.0
        - name: JAVA_JKS_FILE
          value: "/var/run/secrets/truststore.jks"
        - name: JAVA_JKS_PASSWORD
          value: "password"
        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets
          name: kafkasecrets
    - emptyDir: {}
      name: kafkasecrets


In the conventional way we need to use an insecure Java container which often contains an entire Linux operating system.

This already large insecure container then has to execute multiple java keystore commands.

In comparison this container is a single binary build upon a scratch container. Its much smaller and has far less security implications.

It should be both quick and reliable.