
Having trouble pairing 16S and metagenome data for each of the 22 soil samples

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,

I noticed that you have nicely included a file introducing how to pair 16S and metagenome for each HMP sample. I am having trouble pairing the 16S and metagenome for the 22 blueberry soil samples. From the NCBI sequence read archive, I found from Bioproject (PRJNA389786) 145 numbers of 16S samples for these soil, and from BIoproject (PRJNA484230) 92 numbers of Metagenome samples for these soil. But I am not sure how to pair between 16S and Metagenome, and what experimental treatments each sample is under. It would be great if you could explain how you did this in the paper. Many thanks.


Hey @jialiu232,

I actually got the files and metadata file directly from the lead author of that study (of which I am a co-author too). I'll ask her about this as that's clearly an issue if the metadata wasn't made available!

Would you mind emailing me at gmail_screenshot so I can forward your concern to her and cc' you?



Hey @jialiu232,

I actually got the files and metadata file directly from the lead author of that study (of which I am a co-author too). I'll ask her about this as that's clearly an issue if the metadata wasn't made available!

Would you mind emailing me at gmail_screenshot so I can forward your concern to her and cc' you?



Thank you very much for your prompt response! I just emailed you about the problem, thanks!
