
Monorepo for Renu Marketplace: https://apps.apple.com/pl/app/renu-marketplace/id6475055017

Primary LanguageTypeScript


  • add pick up location
  • report button
  • setup cloudwatch for loggin
  • setup cloudwatch alarm to shuwdown service when cost exceeds limit
  • kubernetes [*]
  • redis
  • upload ai completion images to tmp rather than image in s3 [*]
  • set up s3 glacier
  • chat message efficiency and consistency: https://towardsdatascience.com/ace-the-system-interview-design-a-chat-application-3f34fd5b85d0
  • testing for api endpoints
  • loading page prefetching [*]
  • notification for chats [*]
  • num of unread chats [*]
  • ai completetion [*]
  • check home icon to scroll to top [*]