

Every science/math student in college spends more time "TeXing up" their problem sets than actually solving the problems. The simple truth is that formatting problem sets is a huge time-suck.

What it does

Upload image(s) of your notes/problem sets and watch Elevate beautifully format them into a LaTeX document. An additional created document displays feedback to the work.

How we built it

Frontend with React. Backend with Convex. GPT-4 with Vision processes the image and generates LaTeX script. GPT-4 then processes that LaTeX and adds feedback within the LaTeX script. Finally, we load that file as the context for a Mistral-chatbot that can provide insights from the notes/problem set.

Challenges we ran into

Using LLMs to format and position feedback within the LaTeX scripts.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

What we learned

What's next for Elevate

Looking to expand into other realms of the EdTech space!