
simple toy parton shower for Zuoz 2016 lectures

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


A simple toy parton shower shown at the "PSI Summer School Exothiggs", Zuoz, August 2016 (https://www.psi.ch/particle-zuoz-school/ltp-zuoz-summer-school), as part of the "Ingredients for accurate collider physics lectures" by Gavin Salam.

This is not meant to be a realistic shower, but rather a very basic illustration of how the core of a shower works.

The shower generates the transverse momenta of all primary emissions for a colour-singlet system (e.g. Higgs) that is produced by gluon fusion

Many important physical effects are missing:

  • energy conservation and the effect of PDFs, because the shower works in the soft approximation

  • secondary emissions, i.e. the radiated gluons don't themselves radiate here

  • running coupling

  • generation of actual 4-momenta for the emissions (only the transverse momenta are generated)

  • etc.