CUHK Thesis Template


Since we need to process Chinese characters, please use LuaTex to compile the document.

lualatex main && biber main && lualatex main && lualatex main


# make sure that 'compile' has the execution permission (chmod +x compile)


If missing font issues happen during the whole project compilation, please manually check whether the font 'STFangsong' is installed. If you are using MacOS, the font should be found within '/Library/Fonts/'. If not, please install it manually.

export OSFONTDIR="$HOME/FontExplorer X/Font Library//"
luaotfload-tool --update
luaotfload-tool --find="STFangsong"


If file not found issue happens during the biber compliation, you may have to delete the relevant cache files.

rm -rf `biber --cache`


MIT License.