Gazebo simulation for UR5e robot with Robotiq Wrist Camera & 2F85 Adaptive Gripper

1. Source bash file in any terminal that will use this simulation:

  source /home/notebooks/UR5e_Gripper_Gazebo/devel/setup.bash

2. Start Gazebo & Moveit:

  roslaunch myur5e_gazebo myur5e.launch
  #recreate moveit config for only the robot and gripper, not with table and pedestal anymore
  roslaunch myur5e_gazebo myur5e_new.launch

3. Then we can control with rqt_joint_trajectory_controller gui or control with python file:

  rosrun rqt_joint_trajectory_controller rqt_joint_trajectory_controller
  #random move to test gym environment


  roslaunch myur5e_description myur5e_rviz.launch