COMP6771 tests

Publically shared tests for UNSW's Advanced C++ Programming course. Feel free to make a pull request adding more tests.

This repository will become private and only include people who have contributed tests in assignment 1 or who specifically ask me to be added later in the semester so as to encourage contributions by everyone. :)

Note that duplicate test-cases are welcome since I realize not everyone necessarily wants to comb through all the already existing test-cases to see if their added tests do not duplicate them.

Assignment 1

To contribute please add a file titled in-NAME and out-NAME (where NAME is an arbitrary alphanumeric string) into the asst1 directory. You can also optionally specify your own custom dictionary of words by adding dict-NAME.

The in-NAME file should simply contain stdin while out-NAME contains the valid word ladders seperated by newlines and formatted according to the spec. ( worries about adding the input prompts).

To run all tests simply run EXECUTABLE_PATH from within the asst1 dir.

Assignment 2

To contribute please add a seperate .cc file and .h file to the asst2 directory. Then edit EuclideanVectorTester.cpp to include your test entrypoint and #include your newly defined header file.

To run all tests simply run CODE_DIR from within the asst2 dir, where CODE_DIR is the directory that contains your EuclideanVector.h and files. Note that we assume you only need to test these two files.

Assignment 3

To contribute please add a seperate .cc file and .h file to the asst3 directory. Then edit GraphTester.cpp to include your test entrypoint and #include your newly defined header file.

To run all tests simply run CODE_DIR from within the asst3 dir, where CODE_DIR is the directory that contains your Graph.h and Graph.tem files. Note that we assume you only need to test these two files.

Assignment 4

Coming soon. Assignment 5

Coming soon.