This is a plugin to add structural expression capabilities for martanne/vis Editor. I intent to use it to write clojure code, I dont use emacs and vis is much faster than neovim. just add paredit.lua and require it in your visrc. The plugin works similar to paredit.vim. All functions use the LPEG library, so no need to worry about key bindings, none of them feed keys to emulate structural editing.
For now the following functions are implemented
- slurp sexp
- burf sexp
- slice sexp
- wrap sexp
- split sexp
You can find them at the bottom of paredit.lua, binded to Space based key compinations This is because in neovim space is my Leader. Just change them if you dont like, untill I implement a leader key properly (Or you can implement it) This is the first time I write Lua code and used PEGs so probably the code can be improved.