
Provide a datasource proxy that can inject your own logic into all queries

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Maven Central Download


Provide proxy classes for JDBC API to intercept executing queries.


  • Query and Parameter Logging
    You can log executing database queries and parameters with choice of your logging framework(commons, slf4j, java util logging, sysout, or your own). Output can be formatted as JSON.

  • Slow Query Detector and Loggers
    You can add callbacks for slow queries that take longer than threshold time you specified.
    Slow query loggers are available out of the box.

  • Connection ID
    Each connection is assigned unique ID that is a sequentially increasing number in default implementation.
    The connection ID is included in logging entry.

  • Query Metrics
    You can collect statistics of executed query such as total time, number of select, insert, update, delete queries, etc. Output can be formatted as JSON.

  • Custom Logic Injection for Query Execution
    You can write own QueryExecutionListener and they can get called before/after query execution.

  • Web Application Support
    ProxyDataSource can be configured via JNDI.
    Query metrics information are available per web request basis(request-response lifecycle).
    For UI with JSP, custom tag to access metrics(<dsp:metrics/>) is available as well.

  • Query and parameter replacement QueryTransformer and ParameterTransformer allows you to modify executing query and parameters right before calling the database.

Log example

Query execution(single line):

Name:MyProxy, Connection:1, Time:1, Success:True, Type:Statement, Batch:False, QuerySize:1, BatchSize:0, Query:["CREATE TABLE users(id INT, name VARCHAR(255))"], Params:[]
Name:MyProxy, Connection:2, Time:5, Success:True, Type:Prepared, Batch:True, QuerySize:1, BatchSize:2, Query:["INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)"], Params:[(1,foo),(2,bar)]

Query execution(multiple lines):

Name:MyProxy, Connection:1, Time:3, Success:True
Type:Callable, Batch:True, QuerySize:1, BatchSize:2
Query:["{call getEmployer (?, ?)}"]

JSON output:

{"name":"MyProxy", "connection":1, "time":1, "success":true, "type":"Statement", "batch":false, "querySize":1, "batchSize":0, "query":["CREATE TABLE users(id INT, name VARCHAR(255))"], "params":[]}
{"name":"MyProxy", "connection":2, "time":0, "success":true, "type":"Prepared", "batch":true, "querySize":1, "batchSize":3, "query":["INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)"], "params":[["1","foo"],["2","bar"],[3","baz"]]}

Query metrics:

Name:"MyProxy", Time:6, Total:1, Success:1, Failure:0, Select:1, Insert:0, Update:0, Delete:0, Other:0
// JSON output
{"name":"MyProxy", "time":10, "total":3, "success":3, "failure":0, "select":1, "insert":2, "update":0, "delete":0, "other":0}


  • latest version is: Maven Central

  • No dependencies to other libraries, everything is optional.

    • For example, if you want to use slf4j logger with SLF4JQueryLoggingListener, then you need slf4j library.
  • requires jdk1.6+


Available in maven central repo.


snapshot is available via oss sonatype snapshot repository.

To download snapshot jars, enable sonatype snapshot repository:


How to use

Create ProxyDataSource class and pass it as a DataSource to your application.

Java based

DataSource dataSource = 
        .logQueryByCommons(INFO)    // logQueryBySlf4j(), logQueryByJUL(), logQueryToSysOut()
        .logSlowQueryByCommons(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES)  // also by sl4j, jul, system out


<Resource name="jdbc/global/myProxy" 
          dataSource="[REFERENCE_TO_ACTUAL_DATASOURCE_RESOURCE]"  <!-- ex: java:jdbc/global/myDS --> 

(optional) To log query metrics(not query execution), add one of the followings to your application:

By Servlet Filter (javax.servlet.Filter):

  • CommonsQueryCountLoggingServletFilter
  • SLF4JQueryCountLoggingServletFilter
  • JULQueryCountLoggingServletFilter
  • SystemOutQueryCountLoggingServletFilter

By Servlet Request Listener (javax.servlet.ServletRequestListener):

  • CommonsQueryCountLoggingRequestListener
  • SLF4JQueryCountLoggingRequestListener
  • JULQueryCountLoggingRequestListener
  • SystemOutQueryCountLoggingRequestListener

By Spring HandlerInterceptor (org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerInterceptor):

  • CommonsQueryCountLoggingHandlerInterceptor
  • SLF4JQueryCountLoggingHandlerInterceptor
  • JULQueryCountLoggingHandlerInterceptor
  • SystemOutQueryCountLoggingHandlerInterceptor

Taglib (optional)

<%@ taglib prefix="dsp" uri="http://www.ttddyy.net/dsproxy/tags" %>

<dsp:metrics metric="select"/>  - Select
<dsp:metrics metric="update" dataSource="FOO" />  - Num of update queries for datasource FOO
<dsp:metrics metric="total"/>  - Total Queries
<dsp:metrics metric="call"/>  - Num of DB Call
<dsp:metrics metric="time"/>  - Total TIme


Example projects: https://github.com/ttddyy/datasource-proxy-examples

Unit Test Support


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