Spring Boot integration with p6spy, datasource-proxy, flexy-pool and spring-cloud-sleuth
- 1
Update to FlexyPool 3.0.2
#112 opened by oburgosm - 2
Spring Boot Auto Configuration conflicts with DataSource Micrometer Spring Boot project
#95 opened by ZIRAKrezovic - 1
- 7
- 1
- 1
Application property "decorator.datasource.p6spy.log-filter.pattern" is not working as expected
#99 opened by abhishekjoy1 - 1
- 1
Add implementation for unwrap() to com.github.gavlyukovskiy.boot.jdbc.decorator.DecoratedDataSource
#96 opened by drakiula - 0
Time display is not normal
#94 opened by JavaLionLi - 1
sql cannot print
#90 opened by 9527dong - 2
Error when use org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.lookup.AbstractRoutingDataSource
#91 opened by Cekerel - 1
spy.log created when application stoped
#63 opened by ansurakin - 1
SQL in single line instead of multiple lines
#93 opened by vaithu - 1
- 0
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- 1
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- 1
- 5
- 0
DataSourceNameResolver does not work as expected
#75 opened by janput - 4
Add SQL Format Option
#79 opened by hendisantika - 1
datasource-proxy-sample is not writing query logs
#81 opened by gtiwari333 - 2
How can I get the metrics through FlexyPool?
#80 opened by leventunver - 8
Spring Boot 3 Support
#77 opened by LelvProgrammer - 3
- 4
Optional decoration of AbstractRoutingDataSource
#73 opened by oburgosm - 0
- 10
Add support for @DataJpaTest
#65 opened by simasch - 3
- 0
P6Spy For Multi-Tenancy
#51 opened by musabqamri123 - 7
Datasource Decorator For Multi-Tenancy
#52 opened by musabqamri123 - 2
ClassNotFoundException: com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.FormattedLogger after update to 1.6.3
#55 opened by oburgosm - 5
- 2
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 2
- 0
/* ping */ SELECT 1"
#54 opened by dc-vin - 5
Excessive logging queries
#50 opened by devansh-dalal - 3
P6Spy differences on batch log output
#47 opened by H4mzah - 3
NPE with RoutingDatasource
#41 opened by oburgosm - 2
Hibernate and Update Queries
#46 opened by crgardner - 1
How to decorate two datasources?
#48 opened by makaxel - 1
- 3
Getting empty results
#40 opened by sleyzerzon - 0
NPE in 1.5.8
#37 opened by Pojahn-Netent - 5
NPE v1.5.7
#36 opened by oburgosm - 2
DataSourceHealthIndicator throws NPE v1.5.6
#35 opened by RajuTanchak