
Primary LanguagePython


Brief instruction:

  1. Python + JSON runs on streamlit;
  2. Clone the repo;
  3. pip install streamlit;
  4. Run 'quiz.py' -> get link to streamlit instance;
  5. Upload a file, proceed with the quiz itself;
  6. Use Clear session state button each time you upload new json, sometimes there is a problem with upload, it is shown as exception on the screen, however it will not be fixed so far

Content of JSON:

  1. There are files in data folder:
  • misc questions, still around Data Science;
  • AI_ISTQB questions and answers based on official ISTQB documentation
  1. New questions & answers are being added

Feel free to use for your private purposes as well

In case someone uses this repo for studying and finds inaccuracies / obvious bugs, please do not hesitate to contact me.

References: Background picture: https://www.freepik.com/ by Benzoix

Starting VIII there are questions generated based on this book https://web.stanford.edu/~jurafsky/slp3/ed3book.pdf

PS please be careful and try to think independently when doing a quiz, all these question are self made and may contain wrong understanding