
The starter template that built on top of Vite and designed for creating production ready NPM libraries in TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScript


The starter template that built on top of Vite and designed for creating production ready NPM libraries in TypeScript

Main features

  • Uses npm, npx and nvm cli tools
  • Generates UMD/CJS and ESM modules
  • Generates TypeScript type definitions
  • React support
  • Preconfigured GitHub Actions CI/CD
  • Automated version and release management
  • Preconfigured code formatters, linters, test framework and build tools
  • Automated generation of changelog and release notes
  • Automated generation of GitHub Pages with Storybook, Docusaurus, Typedoc and Test Coverage report

Notes and limitations

  • Generates ES6 compatible module format (for modern browsers)
  • Stylelint is not used
  • Browserslist is not used
  • Does not generates sourcemaps
  • Does not bundles declaration files into a single .d.ts file (Vite bundler issue)
  • Does not strip whitespaces and new lines from ESM bundle (Vite bundler issue)
  • Default code coverage is set to 80% minimum
  • Edit .npmrc file to whitelist npm audit issues

Main components

Name Description Links
Vite Build tool https://vitejs.dev
Vitest Test framework https://vitest.dev
Storybook A tool that helps you create React components in isolation https://storybook.js.org
TypeScript Type linter https://www.typescriptlang.org
Editorconfig A set of configuration rules that define coding style preferences https://editorconfig.org
Prettier Code formatter https://prettier.io
ESLint Code linter. The basic configuration is based on the airbnb configuration. https://eslint.org https://github.com/airbnb/javascript
Husky Runs custom cli commands on git hook events https://typicode.github.io/husky
Lint-staged Runs linters against staged git files https://www.npmjs.com/package/lint-staged
Semantic-release Automates package versioning, releasing, publishing packages to npm and uploading static UI to Github pages https://semantic-release.gitbook.io/semantic-release/usage/configuration
Commitlint Lints git commit messages https://commitlint.js.org https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0
Commitizen Interactive cli tool for creating semantically correct commit messages https://commitizen-tools.github.io/commitizen
GitHub actions CI/CD Preconfigured GitHub Actions workflow https://docs.github.com/en/actions
Import alias Preconfigured import alias #src/* -> ./src/* https://vitejs.dev/config/shared-options.html#resolve-alias https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#paths https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint-import-resolver-alias
Typedoc Api documentation generator from TSdoc comments https://typedoc.org https://tsdoc.org
Docusaurus Documentation UI generator https://docusaurus.io
React Testing Library Solution for testing React components https://testing-library.com/docs/react-testing-library/intro https://www.npmjs.com/package/@testing-library/jest-dom

NPM scripts

Command Description Notes
build Lint TS types and build library dist directory will contain UMD/CJS, ESM and TS types declarations
test Run tests
test:watch Run tests in watch node
test:coverage Generate code coverage report coverage directory will contain code coverage reports
test:dashboard Run tests in watch node with UI dashboard Automatically opens http://localhost:51204/__vitest__/# page in the browser. See documentation at https://vitest.dev/guide/ui.html
lint Lint all .ts and .tsx files located in src directory using eslint ESLint configuration files: .eslintrc.cjs and .eslintignore
lint:fix Lint and fix all .ts and .tsx files located in src directory using eslint
format Check formatting of all .ts, .tsx and .json files located in src directory using prettier Prettier configuration file: .prettierrc.cjs
format:fix Reformat all .ts, .tsx and .json files located in src directory using prettier Files can be modified
prepare Husky integration-related command. No need to invoke it manually. Automatically invoked by npm install command
commit Trigger interactive cli tool for creating semantically correct commit messages Runs Commitizen. Use this command instead of git commit
storybook Start Storybook
build:storybook Build Storybook static UI Generated files will be located in storybook-static directory
docusaurus Start Docusaurus UI Docusaurus directory: docusaurus
build:docusaurus Build Docusaurus static UI Generated files will be located in docusaurus/build directory
build:typedoc Build api documentation static UI Generated files will be located in typedoc directory
security-audit:prod Start npm audit for production packages Used by GitHub Actions workflow .github/workflows/release.yml
security-audit:dev Start npm audit for devevelopment packages Used by GitHub Actions workflow .github/workflows/release.yml

Usage checklist

1) Clone starter template

# Clone the GitHub project
git clone https://github.com/gavrya/ts-react-vite-npm-lib-template.git my-new-repo

# Navigate into the cloned directory
cd my-new-repo

# Remove the .git directory
rm -rf .git

# Initialize a new Git repository
git init

2) Install packages

# Set correct node version using nvm
nvm use

# Install packages
npm install

3) Edit package.json

  • Change version to initial version 0.0.1
  • Change name to your git repo name
  • Edit description
  • Change private to true when you will be ready to publish your package to the npm
  • Edit license
  • Edit keywords
  • Change repository.url using template https://github.com/{git_user}/{git_repo_name}.git
  • Change homepage using template https://{git_user}.github.io/{git_repo_name}/docs

4) Edit vite.config.ts

  • Change build.name from TsReactViteNpmLibTemplate to your library name in capitalized case
  • Set global names of external libraries build.rollupOptions.output.globals
  • Update code coverage limits test.coverage

5) Edit docusaurus.config.js in docusaurus directory

  • Edit config fields: title, tagline, favicon, organizationName, projectName
  • Edit themeConfig fields: navbar.title, navbar.logo, footer.copyright

6) Update README.md file

  • Add a meaningful description associated with your library
  • Add instructions for installing your library
  • Add instructions for using your library

7) Create GH_TOKEN and NPM_TOKEN for semantic-release

YT video tutorial: https://youtu.be/QZdY4XYbqLI?t=411

  • Create NPM_TOKEN




8) Configure GitHub Pages

  • Create an empty gh-pages repository
# Create a new branch called gh-pages that is completely empty.
# It doesn't contain any files or commit history from the previous branch you were on.
git checkout --orphan gh-pages

# This command creates a commit in the gh-pages branch with the specified commit message.
# The commit itself doesn't introduce any changes to the branch because it's empty.
# However, this initial commit is often used as a placeholder to initialize the branch.
git commit --allow-empty -m "chore: init"

# This command pushes the local gh-pages branch, including the empty commit you created earlier, to the remote repository named origin.
# As a result, the remote repository now has a branch called gh-pages with the empty commit, and you can use this branch to publish content or set up a GitHub Pages site.
git push origin gh-pages
  • Setup GitHub pages


GitHub Pages static UI routes:

/docs - Docusaurus
/coverage - Test Coverage
/storybook-static - Storybook
/typedoc - Typedoc

9) Remove example directory from the src folder and place your own code

10) Make initial commit and push changes

# Add your files and commit them
git add .
git commit -m "chore: init"

# Create a new empty repository on GitHub (assuming it's named 'my-new-repo')
# Copy the URL of the new repository (should be something like https://github.com/username/my-new-repo.git)

# Add the new remote origin
git remote add origin https://github.com/username/my-new-repo.git

# Verify the new remote
git remote -v

# Push your commits to the new remote origin
git push -u origin master