
A remote library to config variables, appearance and behavior of your app without publishing an app update

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Android Remote Config Library

Language grade: Java Build Status Total alerts API GitHub code size in bytes

A cool alternative for Google firebase remote-config library! Remote config the variables, appearance and the behavior of your app without publishing an app update. The library is based on Google Volley library.

Android View Animations in Java

Library retrieves the JSON file from https://github.com/gayanvoice/android-remote-config-library/blob/master/remote-config.json. To configure the data in the JSON file, you can fork the library and change the data in the JSON file.



  1. Add this to build.gradle of project gradle dependency
allprojects {
	repositories {
 		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  1. Add this to build.gradle of app gradle dependency
dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.gayanvoice:android-remote-config-library-firebase:1.0.3'



  1. Add this to build.gradle of project gradle dependency
  1. Add this to build.gradle of module gradle dependency


Set internet permission

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />


Import remote config library

import com.remoteconfig.library.*;

Set request

// set request
RequestQueue queue = FetchRemote.newRequestQueue(MainActivity.this);

// url of the json file
String url ="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gayanvoice/remote-config/master/remote-config.json";

// request the json file
RemoteConfig remoteConfig = new RemoteConfig(MainActivity.this, url,
	new Response.Listener<String>() {
		public void onComplete() {
			// json file retrieved
			// declare remote param
			RemoteParams remoteParams = new RemoteParams(MainActivity.this);
			// get String value
			String stringValue = remoteParams.getString("short_text", "default_text");
			// get int values
			int intValue = remoteParams.getInt("number", 200);
			// get JSON Object
			JSONObject jsonObject = remoteParams.getJSONObject("json_object");
			// get JSON Array
			JSONArray jsonArray = remoteParams.getJSONArray("json_array");
			// get boolean value
			boolean booleanValue = remoteParams.getBoolean("boolean", false);
	new Response.ErrorListener() {
		public void onError(RemoteError error) {
			// json file retrieve error

// clear cache


Import remote config library

import com.remoteconfig.library.*

Set request

// set request
val queue = FetchRemote.newRequestQueue(this@MainActivity)

// url of the json file
val url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gayanvoice/remote-config/master/remote-config.json"

// request the json file
val remoteConfig = RemoteConfig(this@MainActivity, url,
	Response.Listener<String> {
		// json file retrieved

		// declare remote param
		val remoteParams = RemoteParams(this@MainActivity)

		// get String value
		val stringValue = remoteParams.getString("short_text", "default_text")

		// get int values
		val intValue = remoteParams.getInt("number", 200)

		// get JSON Object
		val jsonObject = remoteParams.getJSONObject("json_object")

		// get JSON Array
		val jsonArray = remoteParams.getJSONArray("json_array")

		// get boolean value
		val booleanValue = remoteParams.getBoolean("boolean", false)
		Response.ErrorListener {
		    // json file retrieve error

// clear cache

Develop the library

  1. Select Git from Check out project from Version Control in your Android Studio
  2. Paste the repository url and click Clone button
  3. Click Yes to open the repository
  4. Build using the latest Gradle version

Go to https://github.com/gayanvoice/android-vpn-client-ics-openvpn#develop see the steps