
MoiveHive 2.0 is a modern movie website that allows users to explore trending movies and TV series, browse by genres, view detailed information, and access YouTube trailer links. The project features a clean, responsive design and uses React, Material-UI, and the TMDb API for a seamless experience. https://moviehive.vercel.app/

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MoiveHive 2.0

MoiveHive 2.0 is a modern movie website that offers users an engaging and interactive experience with a clean, responsive design. Users can browse trending movies, explore various genres, and view detailed information about their favorite movies and TV series.


  • Trending Movies: View the latest trending movies.
  • Movie and TV Series Exploration: Browse and filter movies and TV series by genres.
  • Movie Details: Get detailed information about movies and TV series, including release dates, ratings, posters, and YouTube trailer links.
  • Pagination: Navigate through large lists of movies and TV series with pagination controls.
  • Responsive Design: Optimized for various screen sizes and devices.

Technologies Used

  • React: For building the user interface.
  • Material-UI (MUI): For UI components and styling.
  • Axios: For making API requests.
  • The Movie Database (TMDb) API: For fetching movie and TV series data.

Live Link

Link 1 Link 2

Folder Structure

  • src/: Contains all source code.
    • components/: Contains React components.
    • config/: Contains assets and images.
    • hooks/: Contains custom hooks.
    • pages/: Contains page components.
  • public/: Contains public assets and the index.html file.
  • package.json: Lists project dependencies and scripts.


  • Explore Trending Movies: Navigate to the "Trending" page to see the latest popular movies.
  • Browse Movies and TV Series: Use the "Movies" and "Series" pages to explore content by genre.
  • View Details: Click on movie or TV series titles to view more information.


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