
"MindMingle," a unique platform that fosters anonymous, topic-based conversations between users to promote open discussions and idea sharing.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


"MindMingle," a unique platform that fosters anonymous, topic-based conversations between users to promote open discussions and idea sharing.

Some features of MindMingle:

  1. HomePage: A visually engaging interface with floating topic bubbles representing various discussion categories. Users can explore or search for topics that interest them.
  2. Topic Creation: Users can create new discussion topics represented by vibrant bubbles on the homepage. Include an option to add tags and a brief description to attract like-minded participants.
  3. Anonymous Participation: All users join discussions anonymously, promoting open and unbiased communication. A dynamic system assigns temporary usernames for each session to maintain privacy.
  4. Burst Mode: Users can enter "Burst Mode," a timed discussion session where participants share quick thoughts or ideas without overthinking.
  5. Visual Representation: Incorporate visual elements like color-coded connections between related ideas to represent the flow of conversation. Dynamic animations emphasize the liveliness of discussions.
  6. Collaborative Drawing Board: Integrate a collaborative drawing board for users to express ideas visually during discussions.
  7. Real-time Insights: Provide real-time analytics on the popularity and engagement levels of different topics. Highlight trending discussions and influential contributors.
  8. MindMap Summaries: Automatically generate mind maps summarizing key points from each discussion. Users can download or share these mind maps for future reference.
  9. Random Topic Roulette: An option to join a completely random discussion for spontaneous and unexpected interactions.
  10. Time Capsule Threads: Allow users to create time capsule threads that automatically open after a set period, revealing the initial discussion and subsequent developments.