
A self-hosted alternative to proprietary connectivity solutions.

Primary LanguageShellGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Self-hosted Gateway

Lightweight, no-code implementation of the Fractal Gateway RPoVPN.

Combine Docker, Nginx and WireGuard to enable self-hosted connectivity to your self-hosted applications.

Inspired by: http://widgetsandshit.com/teddziuba/2010/10/taco-bell-programming.html & https://gist.github.com/kekru/c09dbab5e78bf76402966b13fa72b9d2

Similar products:

  • Cloudflare Argo Tunnels
  • ngrok
  • Inlets
  • Pagekite
  • Packetriot
  • frp (Fast Reverse Proxy)
  • Tailscale (roadmap)
  • Zerotier (roadmap)

Architectural Overview


Reverse Proxy-over-VPN (RPoVPN)

  1. RPoVPN is a common strategy for self-hosting publicly accessible services from home, providing alternatives to and workarounds for:
  • Opening ports on your local Internet router or firewall
  • Using a dynamic DNS provider due to a lack of a static IP
  • Self-hosting behind double-NAT or via an ISP that does CGNAT (Starlink, T-mobile Home Internet)
  1. Using RPoVPN is ideal for self-hosting from both a network security and privacy perspective:
  • RPoVPN eliminates the need to expose your public IP address to the world.
  • Fractal Gateway RPoVPN uses advanced network isolation capabilities of the Linux kernel (network namespaces) to keep self-hosted services isolated from your home network and your other local / self-hosted services.


  • Link - A dedicated WireGuard tunnel between a local container (client) and the remote Link container running on the Gateway through which Reverse Proxy traffic is routed.


  • A custom apex domain for example mydomain.com
  • Publicly accessible host (Gateway) with open tcp ports 80/443 and udp port range /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
  • SSH access to Gateway (SSH is used for configuration, see gateway/scripts/create-link.sh
  • Docker (required on Gateway, optional for client)
  • Docker Compose (optional)

Get started

Point *.mydomain.com (DNS A Record) to the IPv4 address of your Gateway host.

  1. Launch the Fractal Gateway service (nginx) (on Cloud VPS)
$ make setup
$ make gateway

A link is a dedicated WireGuard tunnel that has host name routed and SNI routed traffic to port 8080 and 8433 of the Caddy based fractalnetworks/gateway-client:latest container

SSH is used to communicate with the Gateway to create links.

  1. From the machine you would like to expose to the public Internet, run the following command to generate a Docker Compose snippet that will expose the hypothetical Docker Compose service nginx, listening on port 80 to the world at https://nginx.mydomain.com
$ make docker
$ make link GATEWAY=root@gateway.mydomain.com FQDN=nginx.mydomain.com EXPOSE=nginx:80

    image: fractalnetworks/gateway-client:latest
      LINK_DOMAIN: nginx.mydomain.com
      EXPOSE: nginx:80
      GATEWAY_LINK_WG_PUBKEY: Wipd6Pv7ttmII4/Oj82I5tmGZwuw6ucsE3G+hwsMR08=
      - NET_ADMIN
  1. Adding the generated snippet to sample nginx docker-compose.yml file we get:
version: '3.9'
    image: nginx:latest
    image: fractalnetworks/gateway-client:latest
      LINK_DOMAIN: nginx.mydomain.com
      EXPOSE: nginx:80
      GATEWAY_LINK_WG_PUBKEY: Wipd6Pv7ttmII4/Oj82I5tmGZwuw6ucsE3G+hwsMR08=
      - NET_ADMIN

Notice it is NOT necessary to specify the following in the above docker-compose file:

 - 80:80
 - 443:443

All traffic to the local container is routed through the RPoVPN Gateway.

  1. Run docker-compose up -d and see that your local nginx container is accessible to the world with a valid TLS certificate (via Caddy Automatic HTTPS) at https://nginx.mydomain.com

Show all links running on a Gateway

$ docker ps


  • Currently only IPv4 is supported
  • Raw UDP proxying is supported but is currently untested & undocumented, see bottom of gateway/link-entrypoint.sh.


  • How is this better than setting up nginx and WireGuard myself on a VPS?

The goal of this project is to self-hosting more accessible and reproducible. This selfhosted-gateway leverages a "ZeroTrust" network architecture (see diagram above). Each "Link" provides a dedicated WireGuard tunnel that is isolated from other containers and the underlying. This isolation is provided by Docker Compose's creation of a private Docker network for each compose file (project).


Community support is available via our Matrix Channel https://matrix.to/#/#fractal:ether.ai