This implementation is based on Github page library for handling octree IO operations.
My implementation files of SVDAG constructor from SVO are in the folder src/svdag_construction:
- SVDAG_main.cpp
- SVDAG.cpp
- SVDAG_node.cpp
- SVDAG_node.h
The libraries needed are included in src/libs:
- libmorton
- libtri
- trimesh2
- glm
They are already set up and were built for Linux_x64 system. You could rebuild it using cmake
After the libraries are build, the building scripts should be executed.
To rebuild the tri_convert, svo_constructor and svdag_constructor executables in the 'building_scripts' folder:
- ./
- ./
- ./
If all the building scripts were executed successfully, the system is set up and could be used.
- tri_convert: A tool to convert any model file to a simple, streamable .tri format.
- svo_constructor: Out-Of-Core SVO Constructor: Partitioning, voxelizing and SVO Building rolled into one executable, needs a .tri file as input and return .octree, .octreenodes, .octreedata files as output.
- svdag_constructor: My implementation of the DAG reducing algorithm, needs the previous .octree, .octreenodes, .octreedata files and return a .dag file as output.
Execution steps:
Step 1: Create .tri file from .ply file
./tri_convert -f ../models/bunny.ply
Step 2: Convert tri to octree file
./svo_constructor -f ../models/bunny.tri
Step 3: Create DAG from Octree
./svdag_constructor -f ../models/bunny1024_1.octree