
This project is made for mama. Crops and Products will be sold via this page. Our naming rule and coding convention is as follow.

Naming Rule

  : Names of directory, class, variables and so on are must be describes certificately and intuitively to represent their meaning.
  1. Directory
  • Directory naming follows Pascal case.
    ex) Gallery, Products, etc.
  1. Files
  • Files are named with Camel case.
    ex) users.js, fotter.css, etc.
  1. Class
  • Class naming follws Pascal case.
    ex) HelloWorld, Product, etc.
  1. Variables
    1) Local variables
    • Local variabels are written with Camel case.
      ex) numOfApple, isExist, etc.
      2) Global variables
    • Global variables are written with capital letter.
      Spaces between words are be distingushed by underscore( _ ).
      ex) MAX_NUM, MIN_NUM, etc.

Coding Convention

  1. Commit (!important) Commits require both title and contents.
    Title is kind of summary of modification.
  • Contents must include :
    1) Reasons why I modify or add the codes.
    2) How to implement functions to fix bug or to improve.
How to leave commit title and content?
    git commit -m "This is a title." -m "This is reasons why I modify the codes and how to implement it."