problem with Webshare aggregate stats

I work alone at this time (develop my app)

I expect to see 4kb transferred data after one fetch - but I don't recieved expected result


I do this:

  1. set GMT 0 at my webshare settings
  2. write date/time
  3. fetch small data using proxy
  4. take finish time
  5. call Aggregate stats

I pass date/time in this format: 2023-02-03T21:37:42Z

Install & run

please create .env file using .env.example

please run

npm i
npm start


I expect bandwidth_total is about 4kb, but result is 0 (bandwidth_total - bandwidth_projected)

    bandwidth_total: 48285,
    bandwidth_average: 6897,
    requests_total: 7,
    countries_used: { DE: 7 },
    number_of_proxies_used: 1,
    bandwidth_projected: 48285