Bidirectional LSTM: Abstract Text Summarization



Extraction type is an approach of extracting a sentence that seems to be important from sentences to be summarized and creating a summary. The advantages and disadvantages are as follows.

  • Pros: Select a sentence in the original sentence to create a summary, so it is less likely to be a summary that is completely out of the way, and it will not be a grammatically strange summary

  • Cons: Because you can not use words that are not in the sentence, you can not use abstractions, paraphrases, or conjunctions to make them easier to read. Because of this, the summary created is a crude impression.

I built seq2seq Bidirectional LSTM for Text Summarization task. Also LSTM with Attention is major method for summarization.

Technical Preferences

Title Detail
Environment MacOS Mojave 10.14.3
Language Python
Library Kras, scikit-learn, Numpy, matplotlib, Pandas, Seaborn
Dataset BBC Datasets
Algorithm Encoder-Decoder LSTM
