E-commerce demo

Hello everyone this is my demo project about patikaEnUygun boocamp. I didn't finish it yet but I want to explain what did I do until now.

Before starting and explain my db and use case

After you get get project and install all dependencies

  • You mast change the .env file for mysql connection url and then create database
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
  • After you create a database, now create migration and migrate them
php bin/console make:migration
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  • After you execute migrations, now I used DataFixtures and Factory to add fake data in all my database tables, including relations, and you must execute
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

Now we have fake data in our database tables.

This is my database uml diyagram

  • The reason why I made category and products many to many relations it is that the project was design like that. Alt text

This is my use case for this demo_e-commerce

Alt text

The project must be an e-commerce website, if someone want to buy any product they must register/login to finish their orders.

  • First the web must have a simple home,porducts page without any interaction
  • After user will get register/login they can buy porducts
  • And Admin panel

I finish at most all of the admin routes

Routes name Method Path
1 app_admin_order_approve GET /admin/order/approved
2 app_admin_product GET /admin/product
3 app_admin_delete_product GET /admin/product/delete
4 app_admin_edit_product GET/POST /admin/product/edit
5 app_admin_create_product GET/POST /admin/product/create
6 app_admin_category GET /admin/category
7 app_admin_show_users GET /admin/user
8 app_admin_edit_user GET/POST /admin/user/edit
9 app_register GET /register
10 app_login GET /login
11 app_logout GET /logout
  • After the project starts, because we have fake users we don't know how is users password, we need to go to /register, to register new account, after that go to database user table and change the use roles to "ROLE_ADMIN" and login to that account if you want to redirect to admin panel.
  • I didn't make any route for "ROLE_USER" or for starting website looking, I just make:
Ready for this demo task
1 Authenication
2 Authorization
3 Relations
4 admin routes
5 admin route-design
6 DataFactory for all entities (add fake data to db)


I know I didn't finish the project as you want and when you want but I try it.

Thank you Patika and EnUygun for PHP SYMFONY bootcamp. All the best!.