Demo Portfolio

Sorry for my English!

This code working with localhost mysql, after download the code try to create first a database

        GRANT ALL ON portfolio.*TO'gazi'@'localhost'IDENTIFIED BY 'presheva123';
After this the code will work for everyone if you want you can use your username and password or another database name but you need change some code like inside new PDO()

After you will download the code and you can show my design and others by using MAMP

Why did I need to use php in portfolio?

This is my demo one and in the future it will be like a portfolio-library

Some weeks later I will try to finish my idea about this project. And after that my project will look like :

First page - you can login with an email or login as a guest
                  If you will choose login with email - after that your 
                  portfolio will open and you can change it however you want. 
                  If you will login as a guest - will be opened a second page,
                  in that page you will be able to saw all the portfolio that are 
                  in databese. And as a guest you can choose any of portfolio you want.
                  But as a guest you will never be able to change the data inside 
                  the any portfolio.

I am new in PHP, I hope I will win my internship with php in starlabs :)Thank you and good luck!