
Creates a easily reusable TableViewController.

Primary LanguageSwift


Creates a easily reusable TableViewController.

##Supported Platforms

  • iOS 9
  • swift 2.2


In order to install, you'll need to copy the GenericTableViewController file into your Xcode project.


###Using the ConfigureTable struct constructor:

  • items - this is the collection you want to show in the tableview
  • cellType - This is the UITableViewCell class you want to use
  • configureCell - This is a closure with your cell configuration
  • selectedRow - This is a closure that will be fired when a cell is touched
  ConfigureTable(items: [Item], 
              cellType: AnyClass, 
              configureCell:(cell: UITableViewCell, item: Item) -> (), 
              selectedRow:(tableView: UITableView, indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> ())


let names = ["John", "Clark", "Peter", "Tim", "Zack", "Adam"].sort()
let config = ConfigureTable(items: names, 
                          cellType: UITableViewCell.self, 
                          configureCell: { (cell, item) in
                                        cell.textLabel?.text = "\(item)"
                          }) { (tableView, indexPath) in
                                        let cell = tableView.cellForRowAtIndexPath(indexPath)
let main = GenericTableViewController(config: config)


GenericTableViewController is licensed under the MIT license.