
portfolio for gazuntype

image sizes

hero images

  1. 3:4
  2. Square
  3. 3:4

section images

  1. Square
  2. Square
  3. 16:9 (becomes cropped to Square on mobile so must work as a Square too)


Jsons are currently hosted on under

Projects Page: The format for the projects page JSON is as follows:

    title: "Project title",	
    youtubeEmbedId: "XO2RXRnmX-k",	
    imageUrl: shooterArenaImage,	
    color: "#DB4F00", // hero section svg and footer	color
    textColor: "#DB4F00", // text	color
    backgroundColor: "#150800", // hero image color	
      "A competitive two player rapid shooter game where speed and accuracy are key! Play as Shooter or Defender and battle it out in an amazing arena!",	