
Primary LanguageC

by: Alan Haug, email: ajhhja@gmail.com

I made this as a learning experience. Much of it was trial and error,
I got tired of keeping the code neat fairly quickly, please email me
if you have any questions about GBDK.

No copyright infringement intended, this is purely for educational purposes

Special Thanks:
        sound effects
        archives of numerous old GB homebrew websites

    Title Screen:
        START           begin game
        SEL+(up/down)   change background color palette
        SEL+(left/right)change sprite color palette	
        SEL+A           change score font
    'Get Ready' Screen:
        A               begin gameplay
        A               flap your wings
        START           pause/unpause the game

Update V2 07-18-2014
	-changed bird sprite and pipe sprite palettes to remove transparency
	-hitting the ceiling is no longer lethal
	-Pause during gameplay (START) and use arrows to change palettes