
Primary LanguageAssemblyMIT LicenseMIT


Snek! or snek-gbc is an open source snake clone for the game boy, super game boy and game boy color consoles, written in assembly using rgbds


to build Snek!, you will need:

  • RGBDS, v6.0.0 should work
  • SuperFamiconv, must be compiled from source (relies on a new feature for the SGB border)
  • cmd or GNU make (v4.3 should work) (todo: add link)
  • optionally, romusage, v1.2.4 should work

all of the above must be located in your PATH

as stated above, you can build with either make or cmd

if you have make:

  1. run make in the repo root
  2. open bin/pong.gb in your favourite emulator

if you have something that runs .bats:

  1. create folders bin/, obj/ and gfx/bin/
  2. run gfx/_ALL.bat to convert the assets
  3. run build.bat to assemble, link and fix the rom
  4. open bin/pong.gb in your favourite emulator

build artifacts will go in bin/, obj/, and gfx/bin/

the .bat files may get removed at any time with or without notice


thanks to pino, leina, and isso for helping with this in one way or another

and evie and bella for being epic


  • a license should be added at some point, for now feel free to do reasonable things, with credit (obviously), and if youre unsure if you can/cant do something, just ask