================================ SPINdle Defeasible Theory Editor -------------------------------- SPINdle Defeasible Theory Editor (version 2.2.2) Copyright (C) 2009-2013 NICTA Ltd. This software and its documentation is distributed under the terms of the FSF Lesser GNU Public License (see LICESNE for details). This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; for details type: java -jar spindleEditor-<version>.jar --app.license This release of SPINdle editor works with SPINdle (ver. 2.0.3), and requires Eclipse SWT (ver. 3.6) user interface library, and Java 1.6 (or above). * All libraries included in the package are of 32-bits. * Mac users are advised to use the "run.sh" script to start the editor as some special flag controlling the JVM are used. =========== Description ----------- This software, written in java, provides an editing interface for generating standard defeasible logic theory that can be reasoned by SPINdle. ==================== Using SPINdle Editor -------------------- To use SPINdle editor, type: java -jar spindleEditor-<version>.jar [--options] where options include: --app.version show software version --app.license show software license --app.credit show credit for library embedded --log.level log level (ALL,INFO,FINE,FINEST) --app.showProgress is show reasoning progress --app.showProgress.timeInterval show progress time interval --app.saveResult is save conclusions --app.result.folder folder for storing conclusions ==================== Building from source -------------------- The SPINdle Editor build system is based on Jakarta Ant, and is rely on a build file written in XML as building instructions. For more information please refer to "http://ant.apache.org". 1. Third-party library used: SPINdle uses JDOM (ver1.1) for XML document parsing. License details can be found from the JDOM library package. SPINdle Editor uses SWT for its user interface generation, which is distributed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (see http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php for details). In the SPINdle package, you should find the following jar files under the <SPINdleEditor_HOME>/lib folder: + JDOM (ver1.1) - jdom.jar + SWT (ver3.4) - org.eclipse.core.commands_<version>.jar - org.eclipse.equinox.common_<version>.jar - org.eclipse.jface_<version>.jar - org.eclipse.ui.workbench_<version>.jar - org.eclipse.osgi_<version>.jar If everything is right and all the required library is visible, you can then type: ant dist to compile the source code and archive it as an executable jar file. 2. Build targets The build system is not responsible for compiling SPINdle into a jar file, but also responsible for creating JavaDoc documentations and other tasks, such as: compile - compiles the source code (ONLY). dist - compile the source code and archive it as an executable jar file. run - run the editor. javadoc - generates the API documentation in ./docs/api. clean - restore the distribution to its original and clean state. For example, to build the samples, type ant compile to generate the API documentation, type ant javadoc To learn the details of what each target does, please read the build.xml file. NOTE: For Mac user who wants to run the editor in command prompt please add a JVM argument "-XstartOnFirstThread" in the command line. A script "run.sh" is created for you so that you can execute the editor directly without using ant. ======= Contact ------- Author: H.-P. Lam (oleklam@gmail.com) Support ------- Any problem with this release can be report to the author directly. If you are sending email to the author make sure to add the [SPINdle Editor] prefix to the subject. Thank you for using SPINdle and SPINdle Editor. Latest Documentation -------------------- SPINdle Editor documentation will be available on the download site very soon.
Fork of the SPINdle Defeasible Logic Theory Editor by Brian Lam @oleklam http://spindle.data61.csiro.au/spindle/tools.html