
Easy SequelizeJS models (MySQL, PostgreSQL).

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NPM version Build Status Dependency Status Coverage Status bitHound Code

Node.js SequelizeJS ORM model utilities.

sequelize-models will try to load all your database tables and associations as Sequelize JS models automatically, but if you want define your models explicitly, just need to create a model file and sequelize-models will skip the models automatic definition for that table and will use your model file, use models.path to specify the models directory to read.


Node.js 4.0 or latest is required to use this module.

Sequelize Models Version 1.4.0 uses SequelizeJS 4.37.x which is the current stable version

sequelize-models is a bit old project, and i'm planning rewrite from scratch to use the latest language features, feel free to suggest features creating a issue with the respective description.


$ npm install --save sequelize-models

$ npm install --save mysql2

# PostgreSQL
$ npm install --save pg
$ npm install --save pg-hstore


  • Auto load of Sequelize models from database schema.

  • Auto load models associations from database schema.

  • Simplified and meaningful model files syntax.

  • One place models and associations definitions.

  • MySQL and PSQL support for now (support for MSSQL as soon as possible).


Config and get schema

const SequelizeModels = require("sequelize-models");

var seqModels  = new SequelizeModels({
  // Database connection options
  connection : {
    host     : "",
    dialect  : "mysql",
    username : "root",
    schema   : "sequelize_test",
    password : ""

  // Models loading options
  models : {
    autoLoad : true,
    path     : "/models"

  // Sequelize options passed directly to Sequelize constructor
  sequelizeOptions : {
    define : {
      freezeTableName : true,
      underscored     : true

seqModels.getSchema().then( schema => {
  // schema.models and schema.db available here
.catch( err => {
  // throwing error out of the promise
  setTimeout( () => { throw err });

Model Definition , file models/User.js

module.exports = {

  // Following http://docs.sequelizejs.com/en/latest/docs/models-definition/
  tableName : "user",

  attributes : {
    name : {
      type : "string"
    last_name : {
      type : "string"
    born_date : {
      type : "date"

  // Associations -> http://docs.sequelizejs.com/en/latest/docs/scopes/#associations
  associations : [{
    type    : "belongsTo",
    target  : "Profile",
    options : {
      foreignKey : "profile_id"

  validate : {},
  indexes  : []


Feel free to submit a PR or create an issue for any bug fixes or feature requests, just remember if you add new features or fix a bug, please provide the respective tests for the case.

Build and open code documentation

$ npm install -g gulp && gulp docs

Run Tests

You need edit test/mysql/config.js and test/psql/config.js with your own databases connection params, before run the steps below which are assuming that you will create a database with the name sequelize_test on each database.

$ npm install gulp -g && npm install

# Create and start development docker databases (needs docker  & docker-compose installed)
$ npm run db:up

# create mysql config files
$ gulp config-mysql

# test data for mysql
$ ./node_modules/sequelize-cli/bin/sequelize db:migrate

# create psql config files
$ gulp config-psql

# test data for postgres
$ ./node_modules/sequelize-cli/bin/sequelize db:migrate

# run test
$ gulp test
