
This bundle makes it easy to handle eZ Platform content upgrades/migrations.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Kaliop eZ-Migration Bundle

This bundle makes it easy to handle eZPlatform / eZPublish 5 content upgrades/migrations.

It is inspired by the DoctrineMigrationsBundle ( http://symfony.com/doc/current/bundles/DoctrineMigrationsBundle/index.html )


In either require or require-dev at the end of the bundle list add:

"kaliop/ezmigrationbundle": "~1.0"

Save composer.json and run

composer update --dev kaliop/migration

This will install the bundle and all its dependencies.

Please make sure that you have the bundle registered in the kernel as well. Check ezpublish/EzPublishKernel.php

The registerBundles method should look similar to:

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        ... more stuff here ...
        new Kaliop\eZMigrationBundle\EzMigrationBundle()

Checking that the bundle is installed correctly

If you run php ezpublish/console you should see 3 new commands in the list:


This indicates that the bundle has been installed and registered correctly.

Updating the bundle

To get the latest version, you can update the bundle using composer

composer update kaliop/ezmigrationbundle

Running tests

The bundle has both unit tests and BDD features.

To run the unit tests just point PHPUnit to the bundle directory:

bin/phpunit vendor/kaliop/ezmigrationbundle

The Behat instructions are left here for future reference when we get it working correctly with eZ Publish 5. To run the BDD test with Behat:

bin/behat @KaliopBundleMigrationBundle


All commands accept the standard Symfony/eZ publish 5 options, although some of them might not have any effect on the command's execution.

Generating new empty migration files

The bundle provides a command to easily generate a new blank migration definition file in a specific bundle.

For example:

php ezpublish/console kaliop:migration:generate --type=yml KaliopKBaseSimpleContentTypesBundle

The above command will place a new yml skeleton file in the MigrationVersions directory of the KaliopKBaseSimpleContentTypes bundle.

If the directory does not exists then the command will fail with an error message. If the command is successful it will create a new yml file named with the following pattern: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_place_holder.yml

(the contents of the skeleton Yaml file are stored in the GenerateCommand::$ymlTemplate and the skeleton PHP file's contents in GenerateCommand::$phpTemplate)

Listing all migrations and their status

To see all the migrations in the system and whether they have been applied or not simply run the status command in your eZ Publish 5 root directory:

php ezpublish/console kaliop:migration:status

The list of migrations which have been already applied is stored in the database, in a table named kaliop_versions. The bundle will automatically create the table if needed.

Applying migrations

To apply all available migrations run the update command in your eZ Publish 5 root directory:

 php ezpublish/console kaliop:migration:update

Editing migration files

So far so good, but what actions exactly can be defined in a migration file?

The docs describing all supported parameters are in the DSL Language description

Specific topics are covered below

Importing binary files

To import binary files like images into attributes (ezimage, ezbinaryfile fields) the attribute needs to be defined as a complex type to tell the system to handle it differently.

Below is a snippet of how a simple/primitive field type is defined in a content creation Yaml definition:

    - title: 'Example title'

To define a complex attribute we need to indicate the type of the attribute and then provide the required data fields for the attribute.

Below is an example snippet for ezimage:

    - image:
        type: ezimage
        path: /path/to/the/image.jpg
        alt_text: 'Example alt text'

Images need to be placed in the MigrationVersions/images folder. Binary files need to be placed in the MigrationVersions/files folder.

The paths to files/images in the definition are relative paths from the MigrationVersions/images or MigrationVersions/files folders. For example using the path from the snippet above the system would look for the image file in MigrationVersions/images/path/to/the/image.jpg in the bundle's directory.

Please see the ManageContent.yml DSL definition file for more information in the Resources/doc/DSL folder.

Using references in your migration files

The Yaml definitions support setting references of values of certain attributes, that you can retrieve in the following instructions. For example you could set a reference to a folder's location id and then use that as the parent location when creating articles in that folder.

See the following example on using references. The example creates a new content type in the system and sets a reference to it's id. The second set of instructions adds a new policy to the editor role to allow editors to create objects of the new content type under the node with id 2.

    mode: create
    type: content_type
    content_type_group: 1
    name: Section Page
    identifier: section_page
    name_pattern: <title>
    is_container: true
            type: ezstring
            name: Title
            identifier: title
            required: true
            searchable: true
            info-collector: false
            disable-translation: false
            default-value: New section page
            type: ezxmltext
            name: Body
            identifier: body
            required: false
            searchable: true
            info-collector: false
            disable-translation: false
            identifier: section_page_class
            attribute: content_type_id

    mode: update
    type: role
    name: Editor
                module: content
                function: create
                        type: Node
                        value: [2]
                        type: Class
                        value: [reference:section_page_class]

To set the reference we used the references section of the content type DSL. As you can see we set a reference named section_page_class to store the content type id. In the update role action we retrieved the value of the reference by using the reference:section_page_class.

To tell the system that you want to use a previously stored reference you need to prefix the reference name with the string reference:. This tells the system to look in the stored references for attributes that support this.

Currently you can use references to store the following values:

  • content
    • content id
    • location id
  • content type
    • content type id
    • content type identifier
  • location
    • location id
  • role
    • role id
    • role identifier
  • user group
    • user group id
  • user
    • user id

You can use references to set the following values:

  • content
    • content type identifier
    • parent location id
  • location
    • object id (The id of the object who's locations you want to manage)
    • remote id (The remote id of the object who's locations you want to manage)
    • parent location id (The list of parent locations where the new locations need to be created)
    • location id to swap the current location with (Only on update actions)
  • role
    • limitation values
  • user group
    • parent user group id
  • user
    • user group id

For more information please see the DSL definitions in the Resources/doc/DSL folder.

References in the XML for the eZXMLText Field

To tell the system to look for references in the xml that is used to populate ezxmltext type fields the Yaml definition will need to use the definition used for defining complex attributes. Please see the importing binary files section above on how to define complex data type handling for an attribute.

Below is an example snippet showing how to define references for ezxmltext.

    - description:
        type: ezxmltext
        content: '<section><paragraph><embed view="embed" size="medium" object_id="[reference:test_image]" /></paragraph></section>'