TrackTik challenge

###How to run the application

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Create a new .env file using .env.example
    1. cp .env.example .env
  3. Be sure to set TRACKTIK_TOKEN and TRACKTIK_REFRESH_TOKEN with newly generated values.
  4. Run composer install
  5. Run php artisan serve
  6. Open in Postman the collection found in project root
    1. TrackTik Challenge.postman_collection.json
  7. Play around

How to test different identity providers ?

In the route /api/{idp}/employees the idp is a param corresponding to the identity provider By default I've added first and second. you can replace that with whatever you chose to build in the code

first Identity Provider accept in body

{ "name": "testabs", "surname": "testabs", "email": "" }

second Identity Provider accept in body

{ "first_name": "testabs", "last_name": "testabs", "email": "" } To create you own IdP follow the steps

  1. Create a new class in app/IdentityProviders and extend Provider class
  2. add $mappingField key -> value. Copy the value from the other IdP and set the keys tha one your IdP will send in Request Body
  3. Do the same thing in the method getValidationRules so change the keys.
  4. In the constructor of EmployeeController add the reference of you class in $this->pathToIdentityProvider, key is the string to be set in the path. value the instance of the class.
  5. make the request to `/api/whatever/employees